Saturday, April 25, 2020

Dr. Clean appointed leader of the NIH, CDC and the White House physician

Formerly known as Mr. Clean, Dr. Clean is a Graduate of Trump University with an honorary degree, Doctor of Humanities.

Clean is one of the custodians who believe bleach added to a bucket of water may kill viruses and leave a cleaner surface. To expand on this, president Trump stated that ingesting disinfectant might just kill Coronavirus. Of course the president was being sarcastic but is always thinking outside the box.

Dr. Clean led the Human Genome Project crew responsible for emptying waste baskets in the administrative offices.

Recently Dr. Clean was appointed acting director of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, United States. Mr. Clean was also given responsibilities of acting director of the Centers for Disease Control and is now chief physician for the president and his family.

Dr. Clean  has been working in medical offices for more than 40 years. He comes with high praise from very Impressive people with big titles and terrific Amazon reviews. Dr. Clean is not afraid of tough jobs and has a magic eraser to clean up even the biggest mess.

We wish Dr. Clean much success with the career move.